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« The Spirit of rivers » : Calendar of Religions 2020-2021 edition, in partnership with IFGR »



« All rivers are kingdoms, and not only of fish. Legends dwell there, religions flourish there, civilizations develop on its banks. Every river is a narrative, a mirror of our societies ».


With these words, Erik Orsenna introduces the new edition of the Calendar of Religions from the Swiss publisher Agora. Dedicated to the traditions and rituals that link rivers and people through religions, this calendar has been elaborated in partnership with IFGR. Representations of the forces of nature, symbols of abundance, places of purification… everywhere in the world, rivers are bearers of memory but also of symbolism and spirituality.


This calendar is an invitation for dialogue between religious families and for raising awareness of cultural diversity. Through the topic of rivers, it illustrates the universal and plural vitality of the link between communities and the source of life that is water. This is an exciting journey from east to west, from north to south, discovering age-old traditions.


The Spirit of rivers: calendar of religions – September 2020 to December 2021

Available in French, English and German.

Unit Price :  CHF 15.00

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