Whistle-Blowing and COOPERATION
Given the scale of the challenges, our approach is to
Facilitate cooperation between countries, river uses and stakeholders.
→ We recreate an integrated collective dynamic, which places rivers at the heart of interactions between humans and environments, so that they contribute to the multiple transitions that are required.
Share our expertise closer to the needs.
→ We facilitate the conditions for the emergence and implementation of concerted, sustainable and innovative solutions.
Our multidisciplinary approach brings together experts from all over the world and from different fields of expertise (hydrologist, specialist in energy, port, navigation, urban planning, social sciences, agriculture, industry, etc.), sheds light on the complexity of issues crossing rivers through dialogue and knowledge sharing.
Since 2015, we organize annual missions on rivers – International sessions- at the invitation of project leaders or local actors, to share knowledge, recommendations and facilitate dialogue between stakeholders of a territory, building on solutions already experienced elsewhere.
Nous intervenons lors des grands rendez-vous internationaux : COP22 à Marrakech ; COP23 à Bonn ; COP24 à Katovice; New York Water Week 2023..
Nos 3 ème et 5 ème sessions, ont reçu le label de la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies (CCNU), en tant qu’évènements préparatoires des conférences des Parties COP Climat.