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Thematic Experts articles

Grand Reportage Figaro Magazine: In Bangladesh, the country where water waters and devours the earth

Authors: Texts by Erik Orsenna, photos by Laurent Weyl/ Argos

Report made during the 11th IAGF International Session in the Bengal Delta

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Valuing Rivers

Préface by Erik Orsenna dans la collection BLUE PAPERS, Vol 3.

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Taking an integrated approach to problems involving water, culture, heritage, and sustainable development can be especially complicated depending on the water body at stake. Oceans, lakes, rivers and canals all require specific approaches. This issue of Blue Papers takes particular interest in rivers as agents of interaction between water and land, culture and nature, and as carriers and connectors of multiple, often very different challenges.

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Water & Heritage for Sustainable Development

Auteurs : Carola Hein, Matteo d’Agostino, Carlien Donkor & Zuzanna Sliwinska

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Notes on Rivers and Art

Author: Bernd Gundermann, Architect, founder and director of Urbia-Group – Think Beyond.
Dimensions: architecture, historic, cultural

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The forgotten pollutions of rivers can still carry some risks!

Author: Corinne Castel, archaeologist, Research director at CNRS, Director of the franco-syrian archaeological mission of Al-Rawda.
Dimensions: historic, sociological, cultural

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The importance of the long term for understanding the role of rivers in the adaptation of societies to climate change

Author: Corinne Castel, archaeologist, Research director at CNRS, Director of the franco-syrian archaeological mission of Al-Rawda.
Dimensions: historic, sociological, cultural

Laos : A Unique Perspective on Hydropower and Carbon Credits

Author: Viraphonh Viravong, Vice Minister, Ministry of Energy & Mines, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Dimensions: economic, political, environmental.

Climate Change Impacts on River System and Navigability in Bangladesh

Author: Cdre Mozammel Haque, President of BIWTA.
Dimensions: economic, political, environmental.

Rivers, climate change and the emergence of infectious diseases

Original title: Fleuves, changement climatique et émergence des maladies infectieuses
Author: Mirdad Kazanji, Director of the Pasteur Institute of Guyana.
Dimensions: scientific, health, political, environmental.

The role of river transport in responding to climate change

Original title: Contribution COP22 – Le rôle du transport fluvial pour répondre au changement climatique
Author: Daniel Dagenais, Operations Vice-President, Port of Montreal.
Dimensions: economic, political, environmental.

Information on the problem of typha in the Senegal river valley

Original title: Quelques informations sur le problème des typhas dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal
Author: Ghislain de Marsily, Professor at the Pierre et Marie Curie University, member of the Académie des Sciences.
Dimensions: scientific, economic, environmental.

Proposal for a plea document in the framework of the COP22

Author: Ghislain de Marsily, Professor at the Pierre et Marie Curie University, member of the Académie des Sciences.
Dimensions: political, economic, environmental.

The place of the river in mitigating the effects of climate change and adapting our societies to them

Original title: La place du fleuve dans l’atténuation et l’adaptation de nos sociétés au changement climatique
Author: Tamsir Ndiaye, General Director of SOGED.
Dimensions: political, economic, environmental.

Developing engagement in river basin management to support improved climate mitigation and adaptation

Author: Dr Katherine Daniell, The Australian National University.
Dimensions: political, sociological.

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The river, a vector of civilisation and an object of beliefs – An introduction

Original title: Le fleuve, vecteur de civilisation et objet de croyances – Une introduction.
Authors: Pascal Bourdeaux, historian, lecturer at the EPHE.
Dimensions: historic, sociological, religious.

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Natural disasters on the Paraguay-Parana waterway in Argentina

Authors: Alfredo Sese and Dr Ricardo, Javier Alvarez.
Dimensions: legal, environmental, economic.

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