All the newsCOP26 : Replacer les fleuves au cœur des négociations internationales !
On the occasion of COP26, the United Nations Information Service in Geneva welcomed Erik Orsenna, President of IFGR, as a guest for its podcast of the week.
Why is it essential to put rivers back at the heart of international negotiations, as COP26 opens in Glasgow?
Considered as the Conference of the Parties of “the last chance”, six years after the historic agreement of Paris, to avoid an uncontrolled global warming of +1.5°C, the COP26 is a crucial meeting for new and more ambitious international commitments . Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, called for immediate and decisive action, because “this COP must act to save humanity. Either we stop global warming, or it will stop us.”
Water, an essential resource for life, is also the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change: drought, floods, rising sea levels, cyclones, storms, etc. Rivers, the arteries of life and development of territories, embody the challenges that we must all face. Threatened, they are the bearers of solutions for adapting to climate change.
In this interview, Erik Orsenna talks about his attachment to rivers and the actions IAGF is taking to make them better known and recognized. Above all, he talks to us about the people in our lives, whom everyone must learn to respect in order to preserve all the services they provide.