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The Tagus, the Vistula, the River Senegal, the Rio Sao Francisco, the Rhone… rivers are an invitation to travel and François Pécheux, in a documentary broadcast called “At the end, there’s the sea”, acts as our guide. Season 4 has just finished but new discoveries are in the pipeline!

Every continent has its mythical rivers, genuine calls of the wild. Rivers are the sources of the greatest civilisations, the refuges of forgotten peoples, economic and cultural lungs, and fantastic ecosystems. In his journey downstream, François Pécheux meets the people born near their banks, who live on them and benefit from their waters. They all tell stories of rivers.
An adventurer, curious, and bereft of any preconception, François Pécheux boards anything that floats and is ready to stop off at any point. In megacities, rapids or large deltas, he reveals heritage sites and incredible natural areas close to or along rivers. Only one thing is certain, the journey ends at the sea!

As the landscapes, different river developments and encounters progress, one thing stands out: human beings and rivers are bound by an indissoluble link. But their fragility is accentuated by overexploitation and different forms of pollution. Behind the beautiful images is the message that their protection is vital since “rivers are the blood of the Earth. If the blood turns bad, everything turns bad” according to François Pécheux (listen to his interview on Europe 1).