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Book: The world’s greatest rivers told to children

Both an album of images and an atlas, this richly documented work invites young children to discover 18 rivers on the five continents: the Rhine, the Danube, the Thames, the Volga, the Lena, the Ganges, the Yangzi Jiang, the Mekong, the Congo, the Nile, the Saint Lawrence, the Mississippi, the Colorado, the Rio Grande, the Orinoco, the Amazon, the Parana and the Murray.

It tells them about everything that lives around these rivers, the cities that were founded along them, the fauna, the flora, the major historic events and the economic life they generate. With this book children will understand the importance of rivers in their lives: they not only give a face to the world, they also have a big influence on the daily lives of human beings. They trace borders between countries and cultures, provide trade routes and places where religious rites are celebrated and, of course, they are essential for biodiversity.

There is a bonus in the middle of the book: a four-page spread that unfolds to show the whole splendour of the Nile, from the time of the Pharaohs to today.

A fine work to place at the foot of the Christmas tree, for 10 year-olds and older!

IFGR has also been asked by the Journal des Enfants, a French weekly newspaper for children of 8 and older, to provide a special edition on rivers that will be published in November, and which can be discovered here.

Editions Rue du Monde, Volker Mehnert et Martin Haake, septembre 2021, 24,50 €

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