Preserving the Fouta Djallon massif, source of the great rivers of West Africa: challenges and proposals for action
Event labeled by the UN, in the framework of the World Water Conference
The association Initiatives pour l'Avenir des Grands Fleuves (IAGF), The Bridge Tank and the Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) are organizing, with the support of Guinea and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a side-event during the Water Conference in New York.
The objective of this conference is not only to alert on the dangers which weigh today on the massif of Fouta Djallon, source of the great African rivers (Senegal, Niger, Gambia...) but also to propose concrete solutions, around an international program of preservation.
Erik Orsenna, President of IAGF, will speak at this conference, along with other specialists on the situation of the Fouta Djallon and African rivers.
Join us in New York on Friday, March 24 at 2:00 pm (room 8 - United Nations Headquarters)
Warning : special accreditation required (issued by the UN).