Past events
All eventsConference: from the Rhone river to European ambitions
Due to the unavailability of several speakers, we are postponing this event, originally scheduled for October 6, to a later date. We will keep you informed.
Due to the unavailability of several speakers, we are postponing this event, originally scheduled for October 6, to a later date. We will keep you informed.
The “Mission Starfish 2030: Restore our Ocean and Waters” aims to raise awareness, restore and protect our oceans and rivers by 2030, by reducing human pressures on these environments, restoring degraded ecosystems and sustainably exploiting the essential goods and services they provide. A few months ago, it has been subjected to a large consultation, during which European citizens expressed their strong interest in being involved in the preservation of rivers and oceans.
As a follow-up to this consultation, Europe Jacques Delors, Initiatives for the Future of Great Rivers and CNR are holding, with the support of the European Union, the conference “From the Rhone River to European ambitions: an illustration of the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” on October 6, online. This conference is a prelude to the implementation of the Mission within the Horizon Europe program.
The objective of this event is to present the main axes of the Mission and to illustrate them with projects and actions already implemented on the Rhone River, in order to connect the European scale with the national and local scales. Organized over half a day, the event is composed of four thematic panels:
- “Preserving ecosystems and reconciling uses”
- “Raising citizens’ awareness and involving all stakeholders in the preservation of aquatic environments”
- “Innovating to regenerate aquatic ecosystems”
- “Cooperating on an international scale for the hydrosphere”