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  4. From September 25th to October 17th, 2023 Kogis and scientists exchange views on the Rhône River

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17 October 2023 Partner's event

From September 25th to October 17th, 2023: Kogis and scientists exchange views on the Rhône River

From 25 September to 17 October 2023, the association Tchendukua – Ici et Ailleurs will bring together the Kogis, an indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia), scientists and experts, to share their knowledge and carry out together their diagnostics, made from different perspectives, of territorial health along the river Rhone. Different perceptions to widen our own perception of the world and care for the entire planet together.  In 2022, the Kogis’ ancestral system of knowledge was recognised by the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list. The team will go the Rhone basin, from Switzerland to the Camargue, i.e., from the source to the delta. Public conferences will also allow sharing this unique dialogue with the general public and young people.

Thursday 5 October, 7 p.m. in Lyon (INSA)

Monday 9 October, 8 p.m. in Grenoble

Sunday 15 October, 5 p.m. in Paris (La Seine Musicale)

IFGR will be associated with the success of this fine dialogue.


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