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Toulouse / Bordeaux 15 October 2018 International conference Garonne

International session N°7 : the water stress on the Garonne river

7th international session - 15-18 October, 2018 in Toulouse and Bordeaux (France)
"Resilience of territories to climate change: how to reconcile the needs and availability of water resources? The example of the Adour-Garonne basin".

IFGR held its 7th international session at Toulouse and Bordeaux (France), from 15 to 19 October 2018, hosted by the Prefecture of the Region and Greater Bordeaux. Why focus on the River Garonne and its basin? Because the Adour-Garonne basin lacks water. It is becoming scarcer, more variable and forever more is asked of it due to the dual impact of climate change and rapid urbanisation. By taking the example of this basin – which will that most affected by climate change in France – and by providing the testimonies of our international experts and local stakeholders, IFGR is continuing its mission as whistle blower and facilitator of solutions regarding these key issues of hydric stress and the necessary adaptation of water management in the regions.

What priorities for what uses? What practices have to change? What choice of urban planning options? What facilities should be decided? With what investments? What knowledge should be taught in schools and elsewhere, to make the users of water aware of their interdependence? Several major recommendations regarding the future of the basin were outlined at the end of the meeting.

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