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Planting the rain

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Documentary produced by Guy Demonteil (Naïades production) to highlight an experiment conducted for over 30 years at the Solan monastery in the Gard region of France.

The aim is to show how, in a close relationship and interaction with nature, it is possible to create a magnificent mosaic of life, with agricultural and forestry practices integrated with a high diversity of natural habitats, including rivers.

The director’s words:

“In these times of intensifying droughts, heatwaves and extreme climatic phenomena, when water essential to life is increasingly under threat, we would have no choice but to adapt. But how far can we go in this adaptation ? Is this really the only path open to us? I’d like to take a different look, and try to explore other approaches. Off the beaten track, what can we learn from practices that bring back water, regenerate soils, promote biodiversity and create veritable oases for the living?”

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