Prayer to Rain - feature documentary, Kyrgyzstan/France
Toutes les initiativesPrayer to Rain, a documentary by Franco-Kyrgyz filmmaker Janyl Jusupjan, takes us on a cinematic journey along the disappearing rivers of Central Asia and the Aral Sea. Janyl and her colleague Christian Lelong document the lives of the inhabitants of the Amudarya River, which once flowed into the Aral Sea. Their 3,000-kilometer journey begins in the mountains of eastern Pamir. Throughout the film, conversations between the two filmmakers highlight their experiences with water, rivers and lakes in Central Asia, as well as in France and Africa. The documentary explores the challenges faced by communities in Central Asia, and indirectly in Africa and France, highlighting the socio-environmental issues that shape their lives.
As the film unfolds, viewers discover deeply personal struggles that have universal resonance.