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Biotope Festival: water and the major challenges facing humanity

In 2017, Initiatives for the Future of Great Rivers is joining up with the Biotope Festival and will participate in the association’s main annual event, scheduled from 26 to 28 October 2017, on the theme of water and the major challenges facing humanity.

Following on from the edition inaugurated by Nicolas Hulot in 2016, the second edition will be inaugurated by Erik Orsenna and provide the occasion for conferences, round tables, exhibitions and moments set aside for dialogue.

In 2017, Initiatives for Future of Great Rivers started a new partnership in the region of Greater Saint-Emilion. The Biotope Festival association, based in Saint-Emilion, works to preserve the environment through education, spreading awareness, sharing and communicating knowhow and practices to children, adolescents and adults.

The festival is the association’s major annual event and provides the occasion for conferences, round tables, exhibitions and forums. The first edition in 2016 was inaugurated by Nicolas Hulot while that of 2017, to be inaugurated by Erik Orsenna, will focus on the themes of water and the major challenges facing humanity.

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