All the newsIFGR declared an association in the general interest
IFGR became an association in the general interest on 1 July 2017, two years after its foundation and sponsorship by CNR. With its new status, IFGR wants to strengthen its mission as a catalyser and creator of initiatives to generate greater awareness of the importance of rivers in our choices for development.
This evolution has led to several changes in its daily activities. The association’s financial resources will become more diversified as from 2018, in order to ensure its operation and the direction of new projects. Thanks to the legal independence bestowed by its status, IFGR can also fully assert its ambitions on the national and international landscape of NGOs.
IFGR’s international network
With the forthcoming organisation of its fifth international session, a group of stable and motivated panellists, and two new rivers represented on the panel (the Danube and the Yellow River), IFGR is consolidating its position and extending its local, national and international network.
Besides its networks created around the world thanks to its different members, IFGR also incorporates existing bodies dedicated to water, river management and the climate.
The World Water Council accepted IFGR’s application for membership on 7 July 2017
Henceforth an official member, IFGR will organise an event during the World Water Forum to be held in Brasilia in March 2018. IFGR’s international engagements also include its membership of the initiative #ClimateIsWater and it signed, in a collective capacity, the Paris Pact on Water and Adaptation driven by the International Network of Basin Organizations.
IFGR has also proposed several themes for side-events to be organised at the COP23, which will be held in Bonn from 6 to 17 November 2017. Applications are currently in the process of selection. Last year, IFGR was chosen to organise a side-event on the place and role of rivers in adaptation to climate change.