All the newsRiver and Port: building for the future with cities and citizens - a conference led by IFGR & AIVP
On Tuesday, October 1st, IFGR organized a side-event during SMART RIVERS, the international conference for the actors of river transport and the global transportation network. The AIVP, another international network involved in ports and Cities, was invited to co-animate this event. IFGR and AIVP shared the same intention to bring another view on the rivers and ports, considering the interactions with cities and citizens.
How did the cities develop around their ports and their rivers? How can we maintain this historical ling and the collective imaginary in order to design new projects?
Today, how do port authorities take into account the expectations of local population and invite them to contribute and understand the activities of a port?
And tomorrow, how should port infrastructure be managed to better be intergrated into the city?
During the conference, the testimonies of our speakers who came from differents countries and represented various skills, helped to identify some key concepts: consultation; will; history; anticipation; communication; spatial scale; governance … and enhanced the closeness between Water, Territory and Democracy, as said by Erik Orsenna, chairman of IFGR.
The speakers:
- Professor Carola Hein, Professor and Head, History of Architecture and Urban Planning Chair Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft Technical University (Netherlands)
- Pascal Bourdeaux, Historian, Associate Professor of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
- Daniel Dagenais, Vice-President of Operations of the Montreal Port Administration (Canada)
- Catherine Maheux, CEO, Port Autonome du Centre et de l’Ouest (PACO) and José Muller, citizen (Belgium)
- Frank Pressiat, manager of the Environment section, Department of Engineering and Great Projects, CNR (France)
- Andreas Dohms, Chairman of the PIANC working group: “sustainable waterways” (Germany)
- Emilie Gravier, Director of Development and Promotion, Port Autonome de Strasbourg (France)
Illustrations of the discussions: