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Participation of IFGR to the preparatory sessions, IUCN Local Action Summit

Webinar in preparation of the IUCN Local Action Summit – World Conservation Congress

Webinar le 22/06/2021


In preparation of the Local Action Summit organised for the first time by IUCN during its IUCN World Conservation Congress, webinars will be held this week.

IGR will be participating, in the person of James Spalding Hellmers, one of its members, in the webinar:


How to conserve biodiversity hotspots?

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 -1.00 PM -3.30 PM CET Time

James Spalding Hellmers will present the managing model of Itaipu Binacional, the second largest hydroelectric dam in the world, jointly owned by Paraguay and Brazil. In charge of co-managing the Itaipu hydropower plant from 2013 to 2018, he led also svast Sustainable Development programs and Social Responsibility actions.

Please note also the participation of Jin Xiaoting – Senior Project Officer – French Development Agency in China and Valentine Lassalas – Head of European Affairs and NGOs – CNR, two IFGR partners in the June 23 webinar: LOCAL ACTION FOR “ORDINARY” NATURE: Achieving Shared Prosperity within the Limits of Earth’s Living Systems.


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