COUDRIER (Co-onstructing Sustainable Uses of Water Resources and Infrastructures)
Toutes les initiativesCOUDRIER is a participatory research project aimed at documenting the water resource and its uses in a limited area (the Grand Site de France “Bibracte – Morvan des sommets”), whose specific landscape is the basis of a strong attachment on the part of its inhabitants.
This area is ideal for observing the effects of climate change on the overall hydraulic ecosystem and on agro-pastoral and forestry socio-ecosystems.
Local science will make it possible to measure and analyze phenomena that are often masked or neglected by an excessively large scale of observation, to create a local dynamic for dialogue on uses, with the support of a dedicated digital platform.
The project will generate new knowledge at this very fine scale, little approached by research, on a base that acts as a water tower for two river basins (Loire and Yonne-Seine).
By integrating the individual, the group, the social environment and the resources close to the ecosystem into a single research process, we will build keys to define a framework for action, both individual and collective, and defuse potential conflicts within the basin head, then with tributary territories dependent on the availability of the resource.