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Saône 2 Rhône

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Saône to Rhône is an interdisciplinary research project run by the student association Juste 2 Degrés, whose aim is to combine environmental research on waterways, education for schools and scientific mediation for residents of the Saône and Rhône rivers.

In March 2024, four students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon boarded a Dutch launch converted into a laboratory.

For 4 months, they sailed down the Saône and Rhône rivers to gain a better understanding of the issues facing these two rivers. Along with all the volunteers from the Juste 2 Degrés association, these four students share their questions and their scientific approach, convinced of the importance of rivers for human societies.

For them, curiosity and critical thinking are essential qualities for better understanding the world we live in, and providing clear answers to the issues of today and tomorrow.

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